Even if you are one of those people who have a have genetic anomaly, making cilantro taste soapy, you can still enjoy this recipe – just substitute the cilantro for any other favourite greens! This ‘recipe’ is essentially wonky pesto: instead of basil, I use cilantro (and sometimes other greens); instead of pine nuts, I use hemp hearts.
Although similar, pesto was not the original inspiration for this sauce (a.k.a. Green Goo). Nope. This deliciously spicy, exotic and nutrient-dense sauce was inspired by my favourite take out food: Indian. [Yes, I am human and enjoy indulging in some good lazy take-out meals from time to time]
For our daughter’s 6th birthday, she requested a family dinner at the Indian restaurant so that she could have lentil dahl. And I was happy to oblige – a night off from cooking and dishes, PLUS, I’d get to slurp up some of my beloved green sauce…………..
Since we don’t eat out often (and to avoid green-sauce-withdrawal symptoms), it became necessary for me to develop my own green sauce. Here it is:
- 2 (or more) cups of fresh cilantro (or other greens, like basil, arugula,parsley)
- ½ cup fresh parsley (optional)
- ¾ cups raw hemp hearts
- 2-3 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1 or 2 garlic cloves
- ½ tsp salt
- dash of pepper/cayenne
- 2 Tbsp good quality olive oil (optional)
- Rinse greens.
- Toss all ingredients (stems, flowers and all!) into food processor.
- Puree.
- Taste and adjust consistency (add more hemp hearts to thicken or lemon juice to thin out).
We have subbed in all sorts of greens – radish tops, carrot tops, parsley, sorrel, arugula, kale, basil. They all make a good green sauce, BUT my favourite is Green Goo that is predominantly cilantro-based.
Such a flexible “recipe” allows for lots of creativity, experimentation and the perfect opportunity for little helpers to contribute (and learn!) – selecting ingredients, chopping and tasting until perfection.
A great dip for raw veggies or spread it in a wrap…
Pour it over rice, potatoes, pasta or raw zucchini noodles…
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