Even if you’re not into making New Year’s Resolutions, it’s sometimes nice to have a few general goals to start the year off – So, why not strive to incorporate some greener habits in 2020 (and beyond!)?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:
1 – Learn about recycling rules in your area. Seriously, waste collection rules vary widely across countries, provinces and even municipalities! The City of Ottawa has a great online resource, Waste Explorer – you simply enter an item or material into the search bar and it will tell you if the item can be recycled in blue or black bins, composted, dropped of at a ‘take back’ center, or if it’s indeed trash destined for landfill. It’s definitely worth checking out. You may be surprised by what can and can’t be recycled/composted/up-cycled.
2 – Bring your own bags! Bring reusable grocery bags and produce bags with you to the store (yes, even if you have to run back to the car to retrieve them!!) Avoid plastic produce bags by bringing your own or by using the paper (mushroom) bags in the produce aisle, or skip the bags altogether and leave items loose!
3 – If you aren’t already, START COMPOSTING – Did you know that separating organic food waste from landfill waste actually reduces greenhouse gas emissions and water waste, AND creates usable soil! Win-win-win! Whether you use city collection bins, have your own backyard heap, use a vermicompost system, or contribute to a shared community compost, this will have a massive impact on your home waste!
4 – Eat more plants. Incorporate more plant-based meals and snacks into your routine. You don’t have to go vegan or even vegetarian (though you can!!!), but even simply consuming less animal products and increasing plants in your diet will have both nutritional and environmental benefits.
5 – Try to repair electronics, tools and appliances, or buy used instead of new. If you don’t know how to repair an item, find someone who does.
6 – Go paperless! Switch to paperless billing, request e-receipts (where possible), request no ‘junk mail’ delivery.
7 – STOP buying plastic water bottles! Invest in a reusable bottle and keep it with you!
8 – STOP buying plastic wrap! I’m not completely sure why this stuff still exists. Instead, use lidded containers, plates, jars, bags, beeswax wraps or ANY other sustainable option!
9 – Grow food. Plant a herb or veggie garden – in your yard, a community plot or even on your window sill 🙂 You’ll feel more connected to your food and it will taste delicious.
10 – Buy package-free items in bulk – you can even bring your own reusable containers!
Refill at bulk shops Switch to reusables Buy used Teach the next generation a life skill Support local and eat your leftovers
11 – Turn your heat down – bundle up, snuggle up and save yourself some money too! And vice versa in warmer climates/seasons (turn down your A/C).
12 – Support local farmers and producers – less miles traveled means less emissions and fresher products!
13 – Buy less – consider borrowing, renting or swapping items like tools, clothing and accessories. Check out your local Buy Nothing group!
14 – Learn a new skill or teach a skill to the next generation – how to fix, sew, cook, preserve…
15 – Turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
16 – Donate, re-gift, pass down previously-loved items – toys, clothes, books, dishes, etc. – to keep them out of landfill!
17 – Buy used. On the flip-side to #16 (and to support a circular economy), BUY second-hand over new. Thrift shops and online groups offer many useful quality items – let’s keep them out of landfill!
18 – Avoid single-use items and switch to reusables – from napkins to feminine products to straws and cutlery; Bring your own take-out containers to restaurants – check out Ottawa Reduces / Reduit Ottawa for businesses that allow you to BYO! Request a straw-free drink and either bring your own or go without!
19 – Avoid food waste – plan meals and love your leftovers!
20 – Get outside – Experience and appreciate all the beauty Mother Nature has to offer. When we feel connected to nature, we’re more eager to protect it 🙂
That’s it.
20 ideas you can start today – all at once or gradually, as a family, with colleagues or individually. Some of these ideas are very straightforward and simple while others may take some more effort, but once you start changing thought patterns and habits, it becomes easy and, eventually, automatic.
BONUS: You may have noticed that most of these “green goals” will also end up saving you some green ($$$) too!

Don’t forget to share your goals and accomplishments with friends, family and colleagues – because going green is contagious…
If you have some ideas for going green(er), share them below!
Happy 2020!
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